(unofficial numbers) 350 Fox Attendees. Approximately 150 Access/VB (simultaneous show) attendees.
I did a show of hands at my Power Up session and found that the majority in that session were using VFP 8 but some were still supporting some apps that were running in older versions.
I spoke with Rainer Becker (head of dfpug - www.dfpug.de) the other night and he told me of a support call he had right before he headed off from a user who had a (gasp!) FoxPro 2.0 DOS application running under DOS 6.02 that had been running for years without a problem. Until now. What happened? It was all about temp files. Once those were cleaned up, then the app kept on running without a hitch.
Small gripes: the lunches and "showcase" are too far away from the sessions and hard to find. Hope that keeps traffic going for the vendors...
Also seem to be missing some vendors - ACCPAC has their equipment here but no one in the booth as does Database Creations.
Still, all the regulars are here: Oakleaf (www.oakleafsd.com) , West Wind (www.west-wind.com), F1 (www.f1tech.com) , Stonefield (www.stonefield.com) , Micromega (www.micromegasystems.com), Mind's Eye (www.mindseyeinc.com) and dbi-tech (www.dbi-tech.com) . (MS doesn't need any more plugging <g>). Markus and Claudio are here from EPS but obviously they don't have a booth (Code magazine is a competitor to Advisor) neither does David Stevenson from FoxTalk. There are also some other vendors (likely from the Access/VB side) - FMS (www.fmsinc.com) and the team of Alison Baltzer and Paul Sheriff (www.blastthroughlearning.com)