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Showing posts from January, 2007

Shedding Some Light: Tag? I'm tagged? How did this happen?

So Rick got me! Hmm....5 things you don't know about me...ok, well, most everyone already knows about Muffy, the killer here goes... 1. I could have been working for Fox Software. Back in 1992, right before the merger, Fox Software was in the midst of an expansion into Canada and their sales manager, a Mike Burrows (who used to work for Ashton-Tate) had offered me a job as a sales engineer. We were all set to sign paperwork when he returned from Perrysburg with the "other" news . Didn't stop me though - I left the government job I had and moved onto FoxPro development instead. 2. I'm a trivia collector. Yeah, I know most people think Trivial Pursuit but when I find out something new, I then want to find out everything about it, regardless of how small. A new TV show? Who are all the actors and what were they on before. A New product? Who's behind it and where did they come from. The kind of stuff that doesn't make for good conversation (except

Stupid Developer Mistakes: Where does that product name came from?

While I have used a variety of installers in the past, and am eagerly looking forward to switching all my installs over to Wix , I have one older application that used Setup Generator Pro. It was handy and it worked for the time. Unfortunately, I kept on using it to do upgrades and every now and then when the application would crash, it would display the older version # of the application (Your Application 2.04 has crashed - even though I was now up to version 3.5!) At first I thought - it must be something to do with the Windows installer - it must have 2.04 somewhere in its database and I've got to change it. After all, how else would Windows know what version the application was? (don't answer yet!) So I looked. and looked. and looked. Couldn't find it anywhere. And so, the other day I was at my wit's end, trying to figure it out and I started to post it on one of the MSDN forums. And then it hit me. Like a ton of bricks. Like someone coming over my head and whac

XP: Stopped responding Vista: Stopped Working

Adam Barr is seeing some of the same things I am with Vista. Although he is seeing it with Outlook, I am seeing it primarily with the ImageMaker software from my new Sony HD Camcorder. Vista stops working but Vista never really says the crash word, it just says "Stopped working". Even when Explorer "stops working" Love the post. Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters: Vista-licious