Guy Kawasaki has a new book out - The Art of the Start, a guide to individuals who want to start their own company, build their own dream.
I remember Guy speaking in 1991 at Fox Software's DevCon. I had already read The Macintosh Way but his same irreverent style came through when he spoke (I hope he got his car as he asked for his Mont Blanc pen). I still have the autographed Selling the Dream and yes, I will likely die bleeding six-color blood. (cripes, I just did google on that and I came up with my own blog entry - that's not good - why isn't six-color blood a common term yet?)
Check out the Art of the Start web site - it provides a link to his cool EQ test but lots of other stuff.
If you have never heard Guy speak, check out his material or email him. Getting on his mailing list is worth the price of the admission.
I remember Guy speaking in 1991 at Fox Software's DevCon. I had already read The Macintosh Way but his same irreverent style came through when he spoke (I hope he got his car as he asked for his Mont Blanc pen). I still have the autographed Selling the Dream and yes, I will likely die bleeding six-color blood. (cripes, I just did google on that and I came up with my own blog entry - that's not good - why isn't six-color blood a common term yet?)
Check out the Art of the Start web site - it provides a link to his cool EQ test but lots of other stuff.
If you have never heard Guy speak, check out his material or email him. Getting on his mailing list is worth the price of the admission.