There's an age-old image of project management that looks something like this: And there have been various adaptations of it --- one I found recently (and appreciated) is this one from Jan Tielens: What is the actual process that a "solution" goes through? The client dreams up an idea or has a problem that needs to be solved. They attempt to describe it to someone who then attempts to build it. At the risk of anthropomorphizing a concept like a solution: The Birth: this is more like it. I'm not just a little thought in someone's head anymore - I'm going to be great. I'm going to solve the world. Now I just have to figure out... The Terrible Twos: OK...I can go a variety of ways - I just need to focus on what I want to do. What?!? Who are you? Oh...I have to do it this wait, now who are you?!? This way instead? Argh!!! Primary School: So I have to do this so I can really be what I want to be. That sucks. I guess you know
Solutions for Today; Ready for Tomorrow. Andrew MacNeill's blog about development, technology, Visual FoxPro, databases, community and occasionally, some off-topic discussions.