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Showing posts from December, 2009

Xsd2Code - better than XSD

I've been working on a few ASP.Net projects and one of the key aspects of this project is creating some usable XSD schemas that are then translated into objects. At first, I started using the regular xsd.exe that creates a class (in either VB or C#) from a schema with the simple statement. xsd "myfile.xsd" /l:CS /o:"C:\MyOutput\" /c But I always wanted to have this directly within Visual Studio. I'm sure there's another way (so please let me know) but then I found Xsd2Code .net class generator3.0 . It does the same thing that XSD does but also lets you create add Serialize and DeSerialize options, making it easier to convert a basic XML file into an object. var o = FormInstance.Deserialize(xml); The best part is that it's a Visual Studio plug-in (from Codeplex of course), so you can right-click on an XSD file and have it generate the necessary code. By default, the Serialization methods aren't included - but it's an option right from the gen

Jun Tangunan's Nicely Designed Controls

Just because a lot of cool stuff exists in VFPX doesn't mean there are other sources for inspired design. Jun Tangunan has been showcasing a number of his creations on his Foxite site. Following Craig Boyd's lead to create "good-looking" applications, Jun's collection currently includes: - An awesome looking button class - A custom TitleBar class - A switchbox class - A calendar sidebar class - A non-ActiveX based Date Picker Jun Tangunan : Presenting SSButton Class I just wish Jun would put his goodies into VFPX so they can be packaged at some point. Great work! FoxPro VFP

One Great Resume

VisualCV is a great service for consultants and just about anyone who is looking at building the next generation of resumes. But they also have a great sense of humour. Take a look at this CV