I received an email this morning from Brandon Savage 's newsletter. Brandon's a PHP guru (works at Mozilla) but his newsletter and books have some great overall perspectives for developers of all languages. However, this last one (What's the difference between developers and architects?) kind of rubs me the wrong way. Either that, or I've just missed the natural inflation of job descriptions. (maybe, it's like the change in terminology between Garbage man and Waste Engineer or Secretary and Office Administrator) So maybe it's just me - but I think there's still a big difference between Programmer, Developer and then of course, architect. The key thing here is that every role has a different perspective and every one of those perspectives has value. The original MSF create roles like Product Manager, Program Manager, Developer, Tester, etc - so every concept may pigeon hole people into different roles. But the statements Brandon makes are often distinction
As you know, I'm also a great fan of Alex's CommandBars product. I hope we (you and I and the VFP community) can convince Alex to keep evolving the CommandBars product. For instance, in addition to RibbonBar support, it would be great to see Alex's product handle OneNote style tab controls. (The look and feel are so similar that one would think the extra development effort would be minimal?)
If not, it would be nice to DevComponents offer a VFP compatible version (ActiveX/COM) of their upcoming RibbonControl component.