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Windows 2003 SP1 Broke My ASP.Net

ARGH!! The saga continues...

Back in December I had this problem before -
Andrew MacNeill - AKSEL Solutions: Reinstalling DotNet/ASPNet on a Windows 2003 Server

Now, after upgrading to Windows 2003 SP1, the problem has returned. Users cannot click on an ASP.Net button and have it work.

Funny thing? It works in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer. Just like the last time. No error, no nothing. And it's only on certain buttons.

Once again to the rescue

Real Checklist for verifying AspNet is working properly on a Windows 2003 server

1. Verify in IIS that ASP.Net web service extension is Allowed. (check)
2. If it is, and something's still not working right, re-register it. Go to the \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322 folder and run:

aspnet_regiis -i (didn't fix the problem)

aspnet_regiis -r (didn't fix the problem)

aspnet_regiis -c (note the -c didn't seem to work on my version but you can also do it with an -r to reinstall)

This was brilliant - Windows said You Must Have Admin rights to run this tool. I AM the administrator.

So - what to do?

Uinstall ASP.NET 1.1.4322 with
aspnet_regiis -ua

Then reinstall with
aspnet_regiis -i

NOW - go to IIS Web Service Extensions and make sure it's Allowed (by default it was prohibited). STILL not working.

I'm not going to bother trying to repair my Windows 2003 install - for right now, I'm just going to try and uninstall my SP1. This is just crazy. See my next post to find out if it was successful.


Anonymous said…
This won't help you much but I loaded SP1 to my dev box earlier today haven't had any problems running VS2003. My web apps are also working without any problems. Wish you good luck fixing the problem.
Anonymous said…
If you are using source control, remove aspnet_client from source control and try re-running aspnet_regiis -c.
Best of luck!
Anonymous said…
I loaded Windows 2003 SP1. It killed SMS. No ASP is working. SO there is a problem. So far I found an article explaining about the DCOM changes. Problem Still not fixed.
Anonymous said…
I've had the same problem. Everything was working fine, then SP1 installs and blam gone.

I've tried re-installing Win2003 afresh, then installing SP1 before I install VS.NET etc and it's still broken.

I also get it telling me I don't have rights when I am the admin. This is a complete joke.
Anonymous said…
Had the same problem. Found the source and fixed it.
Compare wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\1_1_4322\WebUIValidation.js
on the 2003 server and on a server that works (or your development machine). Mine were different. Replaced a javascript function on the 2003 server with the one off my machine. Here is the working version of this function that should be replaced on the 2003 server:
function ValidatorCommonOnSubmit() {
var result = !Page_BlockSubmit;
Page_BlockSubmit = false;
event.returnValue = result;
return result;

Good luck.
Anonymous said…
we have had 2 customers install the
service pack 1 on their servers and all third party software stopped working properly. of course the microsoft nonsense applications continued to run.

more bullshit from these losers.

sam basile
eos software
Anonymous said…
Search for the URLSCAN.INI on the ISS server. It is probably what is preventing ASP execution. I figured this out after 7 hours of messing around and there doesn't seem to be any documentation on it online.
Anonymous said…
Has anybody got solution to it???
Anonymous said…
I was able to get one of my apps working again by installing Dot Net 2

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