I'm watching "Making Nemo" (the making of Finding Nemo) and the way these people worked together actually illustrates how developers should work together.
A. One developer - I'm creating THIS. -> the one that creates the object that becomes "Nemo"
B. Another -> I'm affecting THIS. -> the area from which within "Nemo" works
C. Another -> I'm created by THIS -> the combination of both A + B = C
After seeing it, it might be worthwhile for any developer to watch one of those "making of" and see how it can apply to their development projects. In one viewing, it can make everyone realize that each object affects another, each person who creates an object affects the other...
This is the same thing that testers and developers go through - (I developed this, I tested this, WE create this.)
The fact that animation takes two years before it turns into something real speaks nothing of the reality of creating quality software (of course! <bg>)
And of course, this is after Pixar made the Incredibles- which only means who knows what they will do without Disney..... that Steve Jobs - he knows what he creates (Apple), what he buys (Pixar via Lucas Films or IFX), and what he helps build (Macintosh, countless movies, iPod) - I would love to hear how Pixar employees feel about him vs. Apple employees - he's the evangelist that everyone wants to be (the kind that inspires) but to hear the stories , one might never imagine it happening - but I also think that the antagonism is something that DOES inspire....