Ted wanted to know where Jeff Riefman got his facts from on his complaints about Office, etc.
Here's the quote right from Ballmer's mouth, in response to a question about long vs. small steps (back on April 7, 2004).
No. 2, it is not like Office releases, in any sense, have slowed down. We did Office 2000; we did Office 2003; we are working away on the next release. Most of our customers do not use Office 2003 yet. It has been in the market, what, four or five months--something like that--and maybe 1, 2, 3 percent of the installed base use Office 2003 so far. I think we have got plenty of headroom before we need another product to bring huge benefit to a lot of people. "
Read the entire article:
By the way, Jeff's original comments were in the Seattle Weekly