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Showing posts from December, 2008

CodeCast - Late Night Show for DotNet Developers

Congrats to Markus and Ken on starting CodeCast podcast. Not sure how well it's going to be considered a "late night show" - I've only ever listened to it during the day but it is good to hear short tidbits from all. Ken spoke about CodeCast back at SWFox . A treat from their Dec 10th episode - Pex - a tool to automatically create unit tests. From the MS research site: Pex (Program EXploration) is a white-box test generation tool. Given a hand-written parameterized unit test, Pex analyzes the code to determine relevant test inputs fully automatically. The result is a traditional unit test suite with high code coverage. In addition, Pex suggests to the programmer how to fix bugs. Hmmm...this might be a useful VFPX project in conjunction with FoxUnit . I especially love how they start and mix each episode with a little "I'm listening to CodeCast" - reminded me of the old FoxShow intros (before my HD died).

Usability: Learning New Environments

I realized how quiet I've been here and while I have a number of posts waiting in draft, I've been so busy it's been impossible to complete them. But I did want to post this after I dealt with it yesterday. I've been on an ASP.Net contract now for about 3 months which is an experience all unto itself - non MVC, non standard ASP.Net app using the DevExpress components. Since this is someone else's application "framework" and I'm simply a hired hand to help finish it off, I find I'm using parts of Visual Studio that I've never really thought of and/or used that often. I'm not referring to actual development pieces like Datasets or class designers but the more basic elements of any IDE. It drives me nuts when things don't use the same short-cut keys that I'm used to, and while we can always change them to suit our moods, that's not the way I usually like to go. We live in a Windows world and so are used to certain things: F1= Help,...