If you haven't been trying out the VFPX project FoxCharts , or you tried but were a little frightened by how to implement it, here's some code that I wrote up quickly to build a nice little pie chart. I call it GenPie and it gets called with any table and it will summarize it for you. DO GenPie with "issues","cstatus","1","","Count of Issues" or DO genpie WITH HOME()+"SAMPLES\DATA\ORDERS","to_country","order_amt","","Orders" The code essentially creates a form, drops FoxCharts on it and then uses a built-in cursor to create the chart. You can also pass it a Filter (before the title) and the starting color (in RGB). DO genpie WITH HOME()+"SAMPLES\DATA\ORDERS","to_country","order_amt","","Orders",RGB(255,150,255) Here's a sample: LPARAMETERS tcTable,tcDirField,tcSizeField,tcFilter,tcTitle,tnStartColor PUBLIC ox ox = CREATEOBJECT...
Solutions for Today; Ready for Tomorrow. Andrew MacNeill's blog about development, technology, Visual FoxPro, databases, community and occasionally, some off-topic discussions.