So Rick got me! Hmm....5 things you don't know about me...ok, well, most everyone already knows about Muffy, the killer here goes... 1. I could have been working for Fox Software. Back in 1992, right before the merger, Fox Software was in the midst of an expansion into Canada and their sales manager, a Mike Burrows (who used to work for Ashton-Tate) had offered me a job as a sales engineer. We were all set to sign paperwork when he returned from Perrysburg with the "other" news . Didn't stop me though - I left the government job I had and moved onto FoxPro development instead. 2. I'm a trivia collector. Yeah, I know most people think Trivial Pursuit but when I find out something new, I then want to find out everything about it, regardless of how small. A new TV show? Who are all the actors and what were they on before. A New product? Who's behind it and where did they come from. The kind of stuff that doesn't make for good conversation (except ...
Solutions for Today; Ready for Tomorrow. Andrew MacNeill's blog about development, technology, Visual FoxPro, databases, community and occasionally, some off-topic discussions.