The solution to many seems obvious - don't make the Internet open any more. Lock it down - except for those privileged few (millions) who gain access.
I feel like I'm drawing too many political parallels here but this is an argument for isolationism vs. globality at its core.
If you don't like what other people have to say, close your windows, shut your blinds and go away.
If you DO want to hear it and let others do it, then open your windows and be aware.
Yes, the Internet is getting really messy - so NOW is the time for people to identify how they want to get their information.
Would you walk through the red light district in Amsterdam on a Friday night, if you were offended by sex?
Probably not but would you therefore shut down Amsterdam as a city?
The best way for non-tech people to use the Internet is to belong to a smaller community (like DARPA back in its day) where they really only see those items they want or need to see. Is this censorshi...
Solutions for Today; Ready for Tomorrow. Andrew MacNeill's blog about development, technology, Visual FoxPro, databases, community and occasionally, some off-topic discussions.